Portability Check In Form

Section 2.06.     An Employer signatory to a collective bargaining agreement or to a letter of assent to an agreement with another IBEW Local Union, who signs an assent to this Agreement, may bring up to four bargaining unit employees employed in that Local Union's jurisdiction into this Local's jurisdiction and up to two bargaining unit employees per job from that Local's jurisdiction to this Local's jurisdiction for specialty or service and maintenance work.  All charges of violations of this section shall be considered as a dispute and shall be processed in accordance with the provisions of this agreement for the handling of grievances with the exception that any decision of a local labor-management committee that may be contrary to the intent of the parties to the National Agreement on Employee Portability, upon recommendation of either or both the appropriate IBEW International Vice President or NECA Regional Executive Director, is subject to review, modification, or rescission by the Council on Industrial Relations.


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Job Reporter Info
Are you a member of IBEW Local 177?
If yes, please complete the fields for each Electrician on the job, below.
Project Data Fields
The Expected Start Date of this Job