Executive Order Means Any New DOL Regulation Requires Elimination of 10 Existing Ones

“Unleashing Prosperity through Deregulation” executive order calls for any federal agency promulgating a new rule, regulation, or guidance to identify at least 10 existing ones to be repealed

Arizona Representative Introduces Bill to Abolish OSHA

U.S. Representative Andy Biggs of Arizona has introduced a new bill aimed at abolishing OSHA. The bill, titled the "Nullify Occupational Safety and Health Administration Act," or "NOSHA Act," was referred to the Committee on Education and Workforce for further review.

Administration Tackles Supply Chain Disruptions, Computer Chip Shortages with Made-in-the-USA Policy

Beefing up domestic supply chains while strengthening security and competitiveness is behind the new law incentivizing the production of critical computer chips here in the United States.

Administration Tackles Supply Chain Disruptions, Computer Chip Shortages with Made-in-the-USA Policy
